Prior Publication Policy

Prior Publication Policy

Manuscripts submitted to JAH must contain original material that has not been published elsewhere and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part in any language, except as an abstract. Authors must enclose along with their submission any and all other work in preparation, submission, press, or publication that potentially overlaps in the data presented or the conceptual approach of the original submission. Any material in the manuscript that has appeared elsewhere must be cross-referenced, and permission to use or adapt the material must be received in writing from the copyright holder.

Preprint Servers: Manuscripts that have been posted to a community preprint server are not considered to have been previously published, provided the following conditions are met: 1) During submission, authors must acknowledge preprint server deposition and provide any associated accession numbers or DOIs; 2) Versions of a manuscript that have been revised as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited; 3) Upon publication, authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with a DOI and link to the published version of the article.

Abstracts/Webcasts: If some or all of the content of the manuscript has been published or submitted in abstract form, and/or there is overlapping data, the following rules apply: 1) The published or submitted abstract must accompany the submitted manuscript; 2) The abstract cannot itself have been referenced in MEDLINE or PubMed; 3) The potentially overlapping work and a separate explanation of the nature of any possible overlap with the submitted manuscript must accompany the submitted manuscript.

These restrictions generally do not apply to oral or poster presentations or press reports published in connection with scientific meetings, provided that the material has not been widely circulated. Posting an audio recording video recording, or short summary of a presentation made at a professional meeting on the Internet would not compromise consideration of a submission. Direct release of information through press releases or media briefings may preclude publication.