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Author Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Journal of Asian Health (JAH). JAH publishes original research articles and review articles that contribute to the understanding of social and medical determinants of health in Asian Americans and Asians worldwide. Our audience includes clinicians, researchers, trainees, and community members interested in health research specific to Asians.

Submissions are examined by the editorial staff, who choose at least two expert reviewers to evaluate the manuscript using a blind review process. Both clinical and basic research articles are subject to statistical review as appropriate. Provisional or final acceptance for publication in JAH is based on originality, scientific content, and topical balance of the journal. Decisions are communicated by email, generally within six weeks of submission. All rebuttals and requests for information on JAH’s decisions on manuscripts must be submitted via email to

JAH accepts the following types of submissions:

Original Research Articles: JAH publishes original research articles on the social and medical determinants of health in Asians in the United States and globally. These works include observational studies, clinical trials, epidemiology, health services and outcomes studies, and advances in basic and translational research. There is no word limit for Original Research Articles.

Original Research Letters: JAH publishes short original research letters on the social and medical determinants of health in Asian Americans and Asians worldwide. These papers communicate brief reports of data resulting from original research. Research letters are limited to 800 words in length. 

Review Articles: JAH publishes review articles on topics of particular interest to clinicians and researchers involved in Asian health. There is no word limit for Review Articles.

Research Prospectives: JAH publishes research prospectives offering succinct and forward-looking review of topics of interest in Asian health. These may deal with controversial or new and/or speculative areas of research for future consideration. There is no word limit for Research Prospectives.

Previously published works or manuscripts under consideration by another journal are not eligible for submission to JAH. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically.

Please see Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for instructions on submitting to JAH.

Note: Please upload both a Title Page and Popular Scientific Summary (PSS) to the manuscript of your paper. Popular Scientific Summaries should be 2-3 sentences that can be understood by non-experts. 

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